Impossible Brutality
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:57 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Enemy of God
Song Author
Mille Petrozza, Kreator
File Size
111 KB
All I see is terr-or, all I see is pain,
all I see is moth-ers drag-ing child-ren to the grave.
A curse as old as time an arm-a-ged-don mis-er-y.
Spec-tat-ors of a world in ruin-s,
hyp-no-tised I'm star-ing at im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Is all ther was is all there'll ev-er be?
All I see is vio-lence, all I see is hate,
all I see is tyr-ants drag-ing serv-ants on a chain.
A curse as old as time an arm-a-ged-don mis-er-y.
Spec-tat-ors of a world in ruin-s,
par-a-llysed I'm star-ing at im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Im-poss-i-ble bru-tal-i-ty.
Is all ther was is all there'll ev-er be?